part of knowit


Brand Experience Design
Low Carbon Design
Website Design
Morten Øhlenschlæger Andersen

/imagine futures is a co-created initiative by COWI and Copenhagen Institute for Future Studies that sets out to investigate future trends to help us navigate today.

Let’s imagine the futures together

COWI and CIFF reached out to us to get help with creating a brand identity and website for a new collaborative initiative. 
They set out on a journey trying to bring together industry leaders and experts aimed at creating engagement, excitement, and knowledge sharing about future scenarios. The project group was clear on values and the purpose of the collaboration but the core narrative was still missing.

The result

The futures are plural. This influenced the naming of the project - Imagine Futures. We defined the core story, created the visual brand identity and made it come to live on the website and the event materials. Motion was incorporated to the pixelated identity elements. Imagine futures paint a picture of possibilities through words, imagery and communities. It is about daring to think different and give new ideas to the world.

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