part of knowit

The Danish Energy Agency

The Danish Energy Agency
Brand Experience Design
Customer Research & Insights
Low Carbon Design
Product and Service Design
Responsible Design
Website Design
Morten Øhlenschlæger Andersen

Be the change you want to see in the world. In this case, it literally applied to SparEnergi’s new digital solutions.

Clear user journeys

Engaging users early on and learning about their frictions renovating their houses, we identified 4 primary user journeys, that we had to support them in. This reduced the need for content and navigation significantly. And at the same time increased the experience of relevant and highly personalised content for the users.

Result: Better help and LESS time spent on site.

Less images and videos.
More illustrations and animations.

Loading 1 image requires as much energy as loading 5.000 words. And playing just a second of a video costs 10 times as much. We designed an animation universe that offers a flexible and inspiring alternative to heavy use of images and video.

Changing mindsets

Together with the Danish Energy Agency, we defined 9 initiatives for an energy efficient From code and design choices, over tracking principles, to content creation guidelines. Initiatives that serve as a guiding star within the organisation and inspire other departments to follow through.

Design System

The design system supports content production across website, services, campaigns and more. It includes flexible building blocks for new pages and services, creative tools, and guidelines and principles for staying on brand.

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