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Art in Love with Design and Technology

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Wilders Plads 13A
1403 København

Most people know the sensation you get from experiencing art. It might be goosebumps. Maybe it’s joy, anxiety or maybe you simply feel puzzled.

Anyhow, experiencing art is a 95% emotional and only 5% cognitive experience. So how do you capture this experience on a website – and at the same time find easy solutions to all the tasks a corporate website needs to meet?

SMK (National Gallery of Denmark) gave us this challenge. This Morgenbooster Special was held at the beautiful SMK, when we launched the new You meet Jonas Heide, Head of Digital at SMK, Tore Rosbo, Creative Director at 1508, and Per Jackson, Creative Tech Director, who shared insights on the collaboration process and presented the new website.

Tore Rosbo

Creative Director

Per Jackson

Creative Technology

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Morgenbooster: Art in Love with Design and Technology | 1508