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Barriers of Design in Business

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Wilders Plads 13A
1403 København

Despite allocating substantial marketing budgets, many companies experience unsatisfactory results of their design and brand projects. Why does the great potential in developing customer brand experiences that add real value continue to fail for otherwise successful companies?

At this Morgenbooster, 1508's Creative Director, Tore Rosbo, shared his experiences on barriers causing design and brand projects to fail, and how to avoid such barriers and succeed with great customer brand experiences.

Implementing design and brand at an earlier stage of product and business development is key to succeeding – when this is not prioritized, time and resources often become too little and too late for this important part of the customers experience.

Tore used different client cases from his many years working with design and brand development for hundreds of private and public organizations in Scandinavia.

He also touched upon 1508's method Design Doing. An approach, that makes design and brand a fully integrated and value-adding part of product and business development. The method will feel familiar to the many organizations, who already use the Design Sprint method for prototyping of apps, websites, digital services and processes.

This Morgenbooster offered good inspiration for those responsible for marketing, communication and brand activation in medium to large-sized companies.

Tore Rosbo

Creative Director

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