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Designing for Ecosystem Transitions

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Wilders Plads 13 A
1403 København K

There’s no question about the importance of how design and designers shape modern society. But will designers’ skills in graphics, product, service, and digital design serve us equally well in driving the transition to a sustainable world that we so urgently need? 

In this Morgenbooster, Christian Bason of Transition Collective will suggest ways to engage in long-term, complex societal challenges — including the most promising approaches and methods from systems thinking and mission-oriented innovation. 

In addition, he will pinpoint the unique roles that designers today, and tomorrow, can play in order for a more thriving, sustainable world to become a reality. 1508’s CEO Oliver Vassard will share a few case examples of how we have used systems thinking in our client work, as well as how 1508 has become more intentional about the shifts we make. 

Throughout the presentation, we’ll explore the power and potential of design for systems change and long-term societal transitions.

Oliver Vassard

Dr Christian Bason

Co-founderTransition Collective

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