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Digital Design Systems

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Wilders Plads 13A
1403 København

There’s a new kid on the block. Digital design systems! Or maybe it’s not that new, maybe it just seems so. We are at least experiencing an increase in demand and talk about the matter. So, what’s better than sharing our thoughts and knowledge on the subject?

During this Morgenbooster, we will dive into the understanding of digital design systems, and why they have become increasingly popular.

What are they? How do they work? What will you gain from building one? And last, but not least we will take you through a couple of tangible experiences and journeys of building such a system.

Throughout the talk we will be sharing experiences from both a design and development perspective.

And hopefully we will all have the feeling of getting one step closer to a design system, which meets all the requirements in modern digital design. A system where all services, assets and communications are designed from one central place to evoke both emotions in a coherent brand experience and support the functional necessities of today’s dynamic business strategies.

You can also see this Morgenbooster in Aarhus. See details and sign up.

Morten Øhlenschlæger Andersen

Client & Operations

Frederik Schumann


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Morgenbooster: Digital Design Systems | 1508