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Imagine building a Dream

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Wilders Plads 13A
1403 København

We are embarking on a journey with an ambitious start-up led by a dream. A big dream. To create 62 co-living and zero carbon emission villages by 2024, where the brand is the experience.

The Dream is called Elleville and has been conceived by a group of visionaries including serial entrepreneur Morten Lund, BIG and Almenr – and now 1508 has joined as design partner. The first village is being built near Tisvilde, and will house a bit more than 100 families.

Join the journey. See how imagination sparks possibilities and solutions, as a design catalyst. Learn how Design thinking principals can bridge imagination and reality. And see how we can make the intangible tangible.

Morgenbooster is back in our offices.

'Imagine building a Dream’ will be the first Morgenbooster back in our offices since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are still very aware of the situation and will take all precautions necessary to ensure attendees' safety.

This means that we have cut down the number of places to follow the government’s distance requirement of 1 meter. For the ones who will not be able to attend because of space restraints, the session will be available to watch online afterwards as usually.

Tore Rosbo

Creative Director

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Morgenbooster: Imagine building a Dream | 1508