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Lowww: How to design for a low carbon world wide web

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Wilders Plads 13A
1403 København

Browsing the internet for inspiration for your next vacation is as bad for the environment as actually traveling there by plane. Well, at least on a large scale. That is because accumulated, the internet emits the same amount of CO2 as the airline industry.

If you are working with anything digital on the web, you are very likely part of this problem but also a very important part of the solution. In this Morgenbooster, we will show why that is and what action we all can take to decrease the internet’s environmental impact.

Following up on last season’s Morgenbooster 'Don't Click This', we will now look at how to implement the principles of low carbon digital design in your project. Drawing on our collaboration with Energistyrelsen on, you will leave with insights into what it means to work with low carbon web, what dilemmas it comes with, and how to balance them out.

Kristine Emilie Hansen

User Experience

Sarah Reuss Allingham

Special Advisor

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