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Design Doing is Strategy on Demand

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Wilders Plads 13A
1403 København

In this second session of our Online Morgenbooster series, we want to show you why and how you can start working with strategy in a profoundly new way inspired by the Scandinavian way of form-giving, business thinking and the ancient Egyptians. We call it Design Doing.

Strategy is simple. In its essence, it is about putting together a plan and acting it out. The faster you can act out the plan the quicker you will know if your strategy is working.

Unfortunately, some companies tend to plan, and re-plan more than they execute and seem to have forgotten how to act on what is needed and not on what is planned. Oftentimes, the reason is they want to be sure that the plan works before they allocate resources to act it out.

The rapid changes we see in today's business environment has an immense potential for organizations who adapt to this new reality. But adapting is not easy. We need to begin thinking about strategy as an ever-changing dynamic hypothesis that needs constant validation through instant market feedback.

Oliver Vassard

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