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Place Branding by Nordic Talks

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Wilders Plads 13A
1403 København

How do we create a place brand for the Nordics without compromising the national place branding efforts?

The Nordic Council of Ministers has turned place branding upside down. Instead of showing the fairytale wonders of the North, The Nordic Council of Ministers decided to brand the Nordic values through Nordic Talks, an award-winning series of talks and podcasts where bright minds offer a fresh perspective on how we all can act for a more sustainable and socially just future.

Nordic Talks wants to show the Nordics in the World and not to the world. The solution is a series of events around the World all inspired by the Nordic ways of thinking and living. Everything is orchestrated and made accessible through a digital platform and new podcast channel. It's all about to inspire people to act.

This Morgenbooster is targeted brand managers and marketeers. Come join the session to learn more on Place Branding and to get insights from an ongoing branding effort involving more than 44 countries and +200 partners.

Morten Øhlenschlæger Andersen

Client & Operations

Jens Munk

Senior Designer

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