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Sprint Learnings - The Next Episode

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Wilders Plads 13A
1403 København

We are still in love with Design Sprints!

In this Morgenbooster, Emil Frost, Design Strategist, and Bo Steinicke, Client Innovation Lead, shared their stories from different types of Design Sprints and unfolded different takes on the wide range of possibilities this method has to offer. We tuned in on different perspectives on how to use Design Sprints as a very tangible tool in the digital transformation and a new way of working.

Even though we are still in love with Design Sprints, we are definitely not afraid of talking about the pains and hard parts. It will only be natural to address issues such as what a good sprint question could be, how to find the time (especially for the decider), how to avoid building a prototyping machine that never hits the real world and how to keep the pace after the sprint week?

Feel free to dive into the previous Morgenbooster on sprint learnings:

Bo Steinicke

Client Innovation

Emil Damgaard Frost

Client Innovation Lead

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