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Class & Network – Strategic and Practical Design Thinking in a New Era


27 August 2024
9:00 – 13:00

(including optional lunch)

10 September 2024
9:00 – 13:00

(including optional lunch)

24 September 2024
9:00 – 13:00

(including optional lunch)

8 October 2024
9:00 – 13:00

(including optional lunch)

Wilders Plads 13 A
1403 København K
8.000 kr.

After eight successful rounds of Class & Network, we will be hosting number nine in August. The course series will consist of 4 classes with room for theoretical learning, individual reflection, group discussions, and practical exercises.

Design Thinking has become a key topic in recent years. It has led many companies and organizations to start shifting from only looking inward to also including an outside-in view. This means trying to understand problems the way users see them. However, bringing this approach into an organization that is used to different thinking styles can be tough. This course series takes Design Thinking as a starting point and goes deep into the challenges of making it a part of the organization. We aim to connect strategy with everyday work, adopting a designer’s mindset to meet the challenges of today's world.

Whom this course is for:

Experience with digitization and innovation is not a prerequisite for attending this course series, but you should be in a position where you can influence workflows, methods, and the way of thinking about design, digitization, and innovation within your organization. Project managers, department leaders, business developers, and similar professionals will find this course series useful.

What you'll leave with:

Design Thinking can solve many of your organisation’s problems. By attending this course, you’ll leave with hands-on frameworks and tools on how to anchor design thinking in your organisation, and get a better understanding of how to integrate Futures Thinking, AI, and Planet-centric design in your processes.

A little more on the course content:

The course helps to tackle the tough task of introducing Design Thinking into organizations set in their traditional ways of doing. We look at how to make sure Design Thinking is more than just a buzzword and instead has a real and lasting impact. We talk about how to make Design Thinking strong even in places that might not welcome it at first.

We also look at Design Thinking from new angles, asking questions like:

  • How can we design with an emphasis on both people and the planet?

  • How do we consider future implications and possibilities in our designs?

  • What is the role of AI in enhancing design practices?

These questions help us understand the full picture of Design Thinking in today's changing world.

Our Class & Network events are designed to be a space for open and honest talks about the ups and downs and what we've learned along the way. The network lets you share ideas, talk about what's hard, and meet peers from different fields who face the same problems.

Our past participants have come from various organizations, including Lundbeck, Maersk, Dansk Metal, Digitaliseringsstyrelsen, Forca, SKAT, Røde Kors, Alm. Brand, TDC, TopDanmark, Lederne, Kræftens Bekæmpelse, Københavns Universitet, ATP, and Finansforbundet.


Class & Network is facilitated by Amanda Stadler and Bo Steinicke, who each bring their own experience from the field:

Amanda Stadler – Client Lead

Amanda combines strategic design and design research with a strong focus on human-centered design. She creates synergies between business goals and creative, user-friendly solutions. Her work is characterized by a deep understanding of human needs and a constant striving to integrate AI and new technology into the design process, paving the way for innovative solutions.

Bo Steinicke – Client Lead

Bo is a strategic consultant with in-depth expertise in digital strategy and practical transformation for both public and private sector companies. His particular strength lies in driving user-driven innovation and business development. With a background that ranges from facilitator to project manager, Bo has an impressive ability to lead projects from the initial idea phase to successful market launch. He is experienced in navigating the intersection of policy, strategy and implementation, which ensures that both products and methods not only match the needs of the market, but also create value.

Questions and registration

Write to Bo at

Amanda Stadler


Bo Steinicke

Client Innovation

4 sessions with method, theory, exercises, cases, reflection, guest speakers, debates, and networking

Session 1: Intro to the course, the network and Design Thinking perspectives

In the first session, we focus on getting to know each other, the field, setting the stage and building a common language in relation to Design Thinking and hypothesis-driven business development.

Session 2: Dynamic Roadmap – A framework for hypothesis-driven business development

In the second session, we focus on a way to integrate design thinking into the organization and link the methods into the strategic framework and in the ongoing impact measurements.

Session 3: Design thinking in a new era – Futures Thinking & Sustainability approach, with a hint of AI

In the third session, we focus on how design thinking can be tweaked to accommodate and handle some of the major challenges of our time. And possibilities.

Session 4: Connecting the dots

In the fourth session, we pick up and connect the dots. We like to keep this fourth session a bit open to accommodate the special wishes of this particular team. It is certain, however, that we will bring a case example of a design thinking process. And then we will have a guest dropping by.

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